Nafilah Qurbani
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when Qurbani is performed and you can pray two rakat nafilah salah for shukur. Usually takes 3-7 days

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Nafilah Qurbani
It is the Qurbani that is performed aside from Vaceeb and Fardh for precise intentions. Performing Qurbani is a form of gratitude shown towards Allahu SWT for all the offerings and blessings.
Performing Qurbani is a form of gratitude shown towards Allahu SWT for all the offerings and blessings. It is a form of a gracious worship that brings you closer to Allahu SWT. It is recommended to perform Qurbani to attain any desires. It is recommended in the Islamic following according to customs and religious values to perform this act. You may perform a Shukur Qurbani to show gratitude for something materialistic, a Sheefa Qurbani for someone who is ill, a Shukur Qurbani for a newborn child, an Aqiqah Qurbani to practice the Sunnah of the Prophet SAV, or a Nafilah Qurbani for many other things.
The benefit of Nafilah Qurbani
There are many materialistic and spiritual benefits to performing Qurbani. It is first and upmost an act to be closer to Allahu SWT. The biggest gain for mankind is to be a servant of Allahu SWT with whom He is pleased with. For this reason, Qurbani is one of the utmost acts. This act also reveals the importance of sharing between humans. Sharing is a whole act that is maintained without differences of the poor and rich to bring each other closer to one another.
Our students, to whom we will deliver your Qurbani, learn about the Quranic sciences and graduate with a special curriculum follow-up.
It is ensured that our students are raised as outstanding individuals who are committed to their religious and moral values.
With the education our student’s receive, they can devote their lives to serving the book of Allah. Our students can continue their life as a model Muslim in society by choosing the profession they deem appropriate for themselves.
Helping the student of the Qur'an to get education is also Sadaqah Jariyah.
Qurbani; It is the slaughter of animals available for sacrifice with the intention of worshiping for the sake of Allah.