قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: لَا يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ نَمَّامٌ. (م)
Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) said: “The talebearer cannot enter Jannah.” (Sahīh Muslim)

Imam Ghazāli (rahimahullāh) said: Namīmah is the act of carrying tales from one person to another in order to create discord among them. Carrying tales is revealing a secret or exposing something, the mentioning of which is not favourable, which is haram in our religion. Whether this disclosure occurs through speech, writing, signs, or implications, or whether the matter being conveyed is a statement, action, or a shameful act, it is all considered namīmah.
The person who is informed about the tale (the one being spoken about) should do one of the following six things:
1 They should not rely on the person carrying the tale because the talebearer is a fāsiq (sinner). Their reports should be rejected and not be trusted.
2 They should advise the talebearer and warn them about the evil of their actions.
3 They should dislike the action of the talebearer in their heart and detest them solely for the sake of Allāh. The talebearer is detestable in the court of Allāh. Detesting them for the sake of Allāh is an obligation.
4 They should not harbour sūi zann (unfounded suspicion) because of the tales brought to him.
5 They should not investigate and attempt to expose hidden matters based on the conveyed words.
6 They should refrain from engaging in the act of carrying tales themselves and from narrating the conveyed words to others.
According to a narration, someone conveyed negative information about another person to Khalifah Umar bin Abdulaziz (rahimahullāh). The khalifah told the talebearer: “If you like, we can look into this matter. If you are lying, then you fall under the ruling of the following verse: ‘O, believers, if an evildoer brings you any news, verify it…’ (Sūrah al-Hujurat, 6) And if you are telling the truth, then you fall under the ruling of the following verse: ‘(Never obey) any mean swearer or backbiter.’ (Sūrah al-Qalam, 10) If you want, we can pardon you and save you from these situations.”
Hearing these, the man said: “O, the leader of the believers! Pardon me! I will never make such a mistake again.”
What is befitting for a mumin is restraining their tongue, regarding what they observe in others.
However, things that will benefit a Muslim or prevent a sin can be shared with others.
It is thawāb (meritorious) to talk about the fāsiq (open sinner), fājir and one with corrupt aqīdah (belief) so that people take heed.
April 13, 2024 Fazilet Calendar