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Eid al Adha 2023 Prayer Times

EID MUBARAK. Wednesday 28.06.2023 is first day of eid.

04:00 Fajr Iqamah
04:30 Surah Yaseen Reciting
05:00 Sermon
06:00 1st EID SALAH
07:30 2nd EID SALAH
08:30 3rd EID SALAH (last one)

(Sisters can attend as well)

May Hz Allah ﷻ accept our qurbanies, prayers and righteous deeds and allow us to reach many more Eids in good health. Aameen.

To minimise the traffic and congestion in the area, please try to travel with your family/friends altogether or try to use public transport or try to walk if you can.

🚉 Nearby Overground stations are Haggerston and Hoxton.

🚍 Busses: 149, 242 and 394.

You can also use Tfl Journey planner to plan your journey.

Parking Information

Parking enforcement will not be in place for following streets from 06:00 till 11:00 on Wednesday 28.06.2023. You are free to park in following streets during these times.

• Downham Road

• Lee Street

• Steen Street

• Arbutus Street

• Acton Mews

• Laburnham Street

• Philip Street

• Orsman Street


Eid Salāh has two rak‘ahs, wherein each rak‘ah, three extra takbīr (Allāhu Akbar) are said. These takbīr are called the “Zawāid Takbīr” and are wājib (obligatory) during the Eid Salāh. During the 1st rak‘ah it is said before the qirā’ah, and in the 2nd rak‘ah after the qirā’ah.
This is how Eid Salāh is prayed: In the 1st rak‘ah after the “Iftitah Takbīr”, the hands are placed one on top of the other and thanā (subhānaka) is recited. After the thanā, the imām says aloud, “Allāhu Akbar” and the jamā’ah (congregation) will follow in private, lifting the hands and lowering to the sides. The second takbīr is said, and the hands are lowered to the sides again. The third takbīr is said the hands are placed one on top of the other. The imām then recites aloud Sūrah al-Fātiḥah and another sūrah or āyah, while the jamā‘ah listens. After rukū‘ and sajdah, the second rak‘ah is performed.
In the second rak‘ah, the imām first recites Sūrah al-Fātiḥah, and another sūrah or āyah and the takbīr said at the beginning of the first rak‘ah are repeated in the second rak‘ah at the end of the qiyām. During this time, the hands are kept to the sides and after the fourth takbīr, rukū’ is performed and salāh is completed.
The khutbah (sermon) is delivered before the Jumu‘ah Salāh while it is done after Salāh’s completion in Eid Salāh. The Khutbah is commenced with takbīr, and the congregation joins, reading it silently.


Those who do not have the financial means to perform qurbani, should pray 6 rak‘ah of salāh on the first day of Eid, after Zuhr Salāh. The intention (niyyah) should be as follows:

“O Rabb, Your humble servant was unable to sacrifice an animal. Instead, I am placing my body on the ground, offering it as a sacrifice to You. Accept me among those who have performed qurbani.”

The following should be recited in each rak‘ah:

1. Rak‘ah: Sūrah al-Fātihah, Sūrah al-Qadr

2. Rak‘ah: Sūrah al-Fātihah, Sūrah al-Kawthar

3. Rak‘ah: Sūrah al-Fātihah, Sūrah al-Kāfirūn

4. Rak‘ah: Sūrah al-Fātihah, Sūrah al-Ikhlās

5. Rak‘ah: Sūrah al-Fātihah, Sūrah al-Falaq

6. Rak‘ah: Sūrah al-Fātihah, Sūrah al-Nās

Salām should be given after every two rak‘ahs.

(Du‘ās [Invocations] and Ibādahs [Acts of Worship])

June 27, 2023 
Fazilet Calendar



To get up early at the time of Fajr,

To brush the teeth with miswak before going for salāh,

To perform ghusl,

To apply a nice perfume,

To dress in clean and halāl clothes,

To be in a state similar to fasting and refrain from fast-breaking acts from dawn until Eid salāh,

To eat after the Eid salāh, ensuring that the first thing one eats is part of the meat of the Sacrifice. The Beloved Prophet (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) used to eat liver.

To take a walk, if possible, to the eidgāh (the place where Eid salāh is performed),

To return home from salāh from a different route,

To be joyful,

To discharge plenty of sadaqah,

To recite the du’ā “Taqabbal-Allāhu minnā wa minkum” (May Allāh accept it from you and us) and supplicate for the relatives, neighbours and the beloved ones and to shake their hands,

To recite takbīr aloud on the way to the eidgāh.



It is Mustahab (recommended) to perform two rak‘ah of Shukr Salāh after the Sacrifice is done. After Sūrah al-Fātiḥah, Sūrah al-Kawthar is recited in the first rak‘ah and Sūrah al-Ikhlās in the second rak‘ah.

Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Leave your knife after offering the Sacrifice. Then pray two rak‘ahs of salāh. Whichever of the Muslims pray these two rak‘ahs of salāh and ask from Allāh Ta‘ālā, surely Allāh Ta‘ala will give him what he wants.”

One should supplicate for their religious and worldly needs in the following words: “O, Rabb, this Qurbani is from you, (offered) to you and for your sake. Accept it from this humble servant of yours with your bounties and generosity as you accepted from your Khalīl, Ibrāhīm (alayhis salām), Ismā‘īl (alayhis salām) and your beloved Muhammad Mustafa (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam); O Akramul Akramin, the most generous.

June 25, 2023 
Fazilet Calendar



When Ibrāhīm (alayhis salām) was about to sacrifice his son Ismā‘īl (alayhis salām), Jibrail (alayhis salām) exclaimed, “Allāhu Akbar Allāhu Akbar.” On hearing this Ibrāhīm (alayhis salām) said, “La ilaha illallāhu wallāhu Akbar.” And Ismā‘īl (alayhis salām) said, “Allāhu Akbar wa lillahil ḥamd.”

Tashrīq Takbīr is the takbir recited on the Days of Tashrīq. It is wājib for every mukallaf (liable) Muslim. Sūrah al-Baqarah Āyah 203, which says: “Celebrate the praises of Allāh during the Appointed Days.”, indicates the Tashrīq Takbīr.

The ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah is Yawmu Arafah. The Takbir “Allāhu Akbar Allāhu Akbar. La ilaha illahu wallāhu Akbar. Allāhu Akbar wa lillahil ḥamd” is to be recited after every Farḍ Salāh starting from Fajr Salāh on the Day of Arafah, for five days until Asr Salāh of the 13th day of Dhul-Hijjah. This makes 23 salāh (prayers) in total.

Takbir needs to be recited immediately after giving salām to the left, without interruptions, standing up, leaving the masjid or speaking. Everybody is required to recite the takbir, including munfarid (individual performer), jamāa’ah (congregation), imām, muqeem (resident), musafir (traveller), man or woman.



On the night of Arafah and the night of Eid, it is recommended to perform Khatm al-Istighfār, Khatm al-Anbiyā and Tasbīh Salāh. (Khatm al-Istighfār is performed by reciting 1001 times): “Astaghfirullāh al ‘aẓīm wa atūbu ilayk” (Du‘ās [Invocations] and Ibādahs [Acts of Worship])

June 26, 2023 
Fazilet Calendar

[13:02, 23/06/2023] FETHULLAH ARSLAN: قَالَ‭ ‬أَصْحَابُ‭ ‬رَسُولِ‭ ‬اللهِ‭ ‬صَلَّى‭ ‬اللهُ‭ ‬عَلَيْهِ‭ ‬وَسَلَّمَ: ‬يَا‭ ‬رَسُولَ‭ ‬اللهِ‭ ‬مَا‭ ‬هَذِهِ‭ ‬الْأَضَاحِيُّ؟‭ ‬قَالَ: ‬سُنَّةُ‭ ‬أَبِيكُمْ‭ ‬إِبْرَاهِيمَ،‭ ‬قَالُوا: ‬فَمَا‭ ‬لَنَا‭ ‬فِيهَا‭ ‬يَا‭ ‬رَسُولَ‭ ‬اللهِ؟‭ ‬قَالَ: ‬بِكُلِّ‭ ‬شَعْرَةٍ‭ ‬حَسَنَةٌ. (‬هـ)‏

The companions of the Prophet of Allāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) asked: “O Prophet of Allāh! What is this udhiyyah (qurbani) about? He (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) said: “It is the sunnah of your father, Ibrahim.” They asked, “O Prophet of Allāh! What (reward) is there for us in that?” He said: “A reward for every hair.” (Sunan Ibn Mājah)

June 25, 2023

Fazilet Calendar



The twelfth month of the hijrī, the Islamic, year is Dhul-Hijjah. It is one of the sacred months (Ashhuru Hurum). Since hajj (pilgrimage) is performed in this month, it is called Dhul-Hijjah, literally meaning possessor of hajj.

The 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah is Eid al-Adhā. It is the day when qurbani (udhiyyah) is offered with the intention of being close to Allāh the Almighty. Eid is a day of joy for believers because hajj, an order of Allāh, is fulfilled in the preceding day.

On the day of Arafah, when the Prophet of Allāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) was doing his waqfah (standing) at Arafat, the 3rd āyah of Sūrah al-Maidah was revealed: “Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and have completed My blessing upon you, and chosen Islam as dīn for you.” This divine message attracted the attention of Ka’b al-Ahbar even before he became a Muslim, and he said to Hadrat Umar (raḍiyallāhu anhu):

“O, leader of the Believers! There is a verse in your Book that you recite. If it were revealed to us Jews, we would celebrate that day as an Eid.” Hadrat Umar (raḍiyallāhu anhu) said: “Which verse are you referring to?” When Ka’b al-Ahbar recited the verse, Hadrat Umar (raḍiyallāhu anhu) answered: “We certainly know both the day and place of its revelation and appreciate its value. It was revealed on the day of Arafah, on a Friday when Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) was performing waqfah.”


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